نوع فایل
حجم فایل
250 کیلوبایت
نوع تستر
روباه قهوه ای سریع از روی سگ تنبل می پرد
روباه قهوه ای سریع از روی سگ تنبل می پرد
جزئیات محصول
Lutfey Fun & Cute Font is a charming and chunky typeface that effortlessly balances boldness with gentleness. Its characters exude a playful yet firm presence, making it ideal for various design projects. The font’s smooth lines, particularly along the outer edges, lend it a visually pleasing and approachable quality. Moreover, subtle ink-trap details at each corner add a touch of refinement, enhancing the overall appeal. Lutfey’s versatility makes it a fantastic choice for a wide range of applications, infusing projects with its delightful and captivating design.